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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Updating the Templates contained in the Document Libraries of the Case Management Site Template of the Fabulous 40

Recently I was asked an excellent question:

“How do you update the templates contained in the Document Libraries of the ‘Case Management’ Site Template?”

It is a great and common question, the quick technical answer is:

“Update the document in which the Content Type of the Document Library is derived from”

Instead of keeping the answer technical thought a quick Hands on Lab would easily illustrate and answer much easily, with that in mind what you will need to complete this quick lab is:


· A site based on the “CaseManagement.stp”

· Office 2007 as the default Office Suite

· Around fifteen minutes to complete this lab

· For the purposes of this lab we will use:

o Document Library: Case Documents

o Document: Expense Report.xls

o Content Type: Expense Report


1. Ensure enough permissions to modify the Case Documents Document Library, administrator permissions should work fine

2. Navigate to the Case Management Site

3. Navigate to the Case Documents Document Library in which you wish to change the template

4. Click on the Expense Report WorkSheet

5. Select the Edit Radio Button

6. Click the OK Button

7. Modify the Expense Report Worksheet to match your needs

8. Save it to the Desktop or a location of your choice

9. Click the Settings Link of the Document Library

10. Click the Document Library Settings Link from the list of choices of the DropDown

11. Under the Content Types section click the Expense Report Content Type

12. Click the Advanced settings link under the Settings section

13. Select the Upload a new document template Radio Button

14. Click the Browse… Button

15. Locate the recently modified Expense Report Worksheet

16. Click the OK Button

17. Navigate to the Case Documents Library

18. Click the New Link

19. Click the Expense Report Link from the choices in the DropDown

20. Click the OK Button

21. The updated template is now displayed

22. Congratulate yourself, you did a great job!

After you complete the lab, you might be wondering:

“Do I have to repeat these steps for all the templates I wish to update?”

The answer is:


You might also end up wondering why so much complexity has been added to a simple process, the reason for this is because it does add tremendous flexibility when sharing this same template across your entire Site Collection.

Imagine that this template will be used all across the entire Site Collection which encompasses 50 Sites and dozens of Document Libraries, making a modification to a centric Site Content Type does simplify the entire process of maintenance. Mostly, because you make the modification and it will replicate across the entire Site Collection. One thing to keep in mind is that it will modify all those new documents based on the recently updated template only, in other words it is not a retroactive process; previously created documents will not updated the change.

Enjoy updated the templates!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Custom Workflow Tutorials

In case you are looking into an introduction about how to create workflows and wondering how or where to start; I will save you a few searches and let you know that the following two hyperlinks are great resources for an introduction for building custom workflows and for building one.

It is a two part series from a great blogger: Robert Shelton. Below are the hyperlinks to the postings and materials, they are very complete.



Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Windows 7 Upgrade

You have probably heard all the buzz and excitement about Windows 7 RTM being released last week. Was feeling a bit adventurous and thought I would go ahead and install it on a couple of machines that I do rely upon heavily.

The results were quite impressive:
  • The upgrade from Vista 64 Ultimate bit towards Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit went as smooth as it could no problem that I could find at all!
  • An upgrade from Windows 7 RC was not possible, but a clean install did proceed smoothly
  • All in all, the elapsed time was around 2 and 3 hours

Since the upgrade I have been working flawlessly, all applications upgraded without having to be re-installed or activated again.

In case you are wondering the upgrade path this article has great details about it:
Windows 7 Upgrade Path

Monday, August 3, 2009

Microsoft Office 2010 Technical Preview disponible!

Este pasado fin de semana recibi la noticia de la disponibilidad de Microsoft Office 2010 Technical Preview. Ciertamente, esto me inclino a empezar a descargarlo e instalarlo. Procedi a remover Office 2007 para prevenir cualquier error de instalacion. A pesar de esto, no pude instalarlo directamente; intente hacer un upgrade y tampoco funciono.

Despues de varias horas de intentar hacer la instalacion, recurri a re-instalar Office 2007.

A pesar de estos problemas, estoy esperando la resolucion a este problema para poder hacer pruebas.

Microsoft Office 2010 Tecnical Preview released!

Received the news that Microsoft Office 2010 Technical Preview this past weekend. This was certainly a cause for some excitement, proceeded to remove Office 2007 to prevent any installation failures. Unfortunately, the installation did not succeed; since a clean install did not work attempted an upgrade which also failed.

After a few hours of trying to make it work, recurred to move back to Office 2007.

In spite of these problems, still looking forward to installing and working with it as soon as this problem is fixed.